Monday, July 4, 2011


All the perennials planted by the mailbox are coming up beautifully! 

After a long, cool and wet spring, they are finally blooming!

The Hostas too....

I've also expanded the beds and planted new plants, 
including good ol' Monkey Grass!

The above pictures were all taken a few weeks ago. 
You should see them now!
And you will...but I have to take more pictures first.
In the meantime, take a look at all the hostas 
coming up in the back yard.

They're not much to look at yet, but they were in such bad shape 
when they finally got planted last summer,
 that I'm thrilled they survived!
And finally, here's a picture of the new bed in the back yard and the 
new plants that are going to be planted there.

Better pictures of these will be posted later!